Friday, August 28, 2009

Are You Faithful?

I Corinthians 4:2 "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man is found faithful."

Faithfulness is a subject spoken on a lot these days. It seems we are seeing less faithfulness in our churches, families and our own personal lives. When someone speaks of being faithful, there is not much doubt as to what the word means (although some seem to "forget" the meaning so easily). The word "steward" however, is a word that not many understand. We read this verse and it goes right over our head. A steward is a manager or an overseer, in charge of something. The Lord wants us to be faithful in our management of all areas of our life. There are three areas of our lives that we will focus on.

The first is our talents. We can all testify of the christians that have been blessed in one area or another (singing, playing instruments, etc.) and have wasted that talent on the world when they could have been used to glorify God. Many of the world's famous musicians and singers began in church. But instead of using their talent to glorify God, They used them for selfish purposes of money and fame. Everyone has been blessed with some kind of talent. No matter what your talent may be sewing, singing, crafts, cooking, communicating with others, gardening, baking, etc use them to glorify the lord and be a blessing to those around you.

The second is relationships (I Corin.7. "Questions about Marriage.") Are you being a good manager of your relationships? If you are married, don't give your spouse a cause to doubt. Ladies, make your husband feel as if he is truly the king in his castle. Pamper him, love him, pray for him, do little things to show him you care. Men love your wife even as Christ love the church and gave his life for it (Eph 5:25). Cater to her make her feel needed in everyway. Love and pray for her. Appreciate all that she does.

If you are single and dating be a good steward of your relationship by doing it Gods way. Do not be unequally yoked (II Corin. 6:14). Never "date" someone you would not potentially marry. When looking for a spouse allow that individual to be themselves do not try to "change" a person into what you want them to be. This will only hurt you in the long run. The Lord will send the right person for you. Patience is a virtue. Never jump ahead of the Lords will. Doing so will only bring sorrow.

Last but not least, be faithful in your Christian Service. This includes your Bible reading and prayer. Read and study the Bible (II Tim.2:15 and I peter 3:15). Set aside a time for prayer. Pray specifically in reference to your wants, needs, concerns, etc. Specific prayers ge specific answers. Pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17) whenever possible. Pray until you receive a answer rather it be a yes, no, or not now. Be faithful with your church attendance. Don't let things get in your way. The devil will do many things for you to miss church. Always remember to stay in prayer, stay in fellowship and stay in the word.

God only wants one thing and thats our faithfulness.

To read more on the subject of faithfullness go to

Other suggested readings: